The last two nights we have truly come to love our home purchase more and more. On Saturday evening the kids were playing outside with Sydney. Very soon the street was filled with kids and better yet...their parents!
As the sun set we sat and chatted with Amy and Jeff from across the street. They are from Buffalo! Their kids are older than my two but they play so well with my little ones. We were also joined by Mark and Lupe from next door. They have two girls that are the perfect age for Gianni and Carmen. The kids played and the adults told stories and we learned a lot about the family that lived in the house before us. Mark told stories about how they used to move the families front porch furniture...and one year Mark and Jeff actually covered the previous owners car in Christmas lights. They still keep in touch with the old residents of our home but we could quickly see that this is the right neighborhood for us. They talked about the annual Halloween BBQ Party where they just cooked and partied right there in the driveway and how the tradition was started by the previous homeowner. Before we knew it it was almost 9 oclock and the kids were still playing strong!
Tonight we went out again and soon after we parked our chairs in the driveway...out came the neighbors. Jeff and his son went to the Diamondbacks game today and Jeff caught the winning ball that was hit into the stands to close the game. Mark got out his motorcycle and Carmen ohhhed and awwwed! (For those of you that don't know...she loves motorcycles...and tells us quite frequently how much she would like one!) Once again...the sun began to set and before we knew it it was 8:30pm (which is pretty late for my kids as most of you know).
These late summer night with the kids playing baseball and riding bikes on the street just really reminds me of home...like Youngstown NY home! I can't wait to fly back next week. In the mean time...we have our little block parties. The evening ended as my neightbor Amy looked at me and said, "goodnight...see you tomorrow night!"